REPORT: Data Engineering 4.0: Evolution, Emergence and Possibilities in the next decade
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Today, most technology aficionados think of data engineering as the capabilities associated with traditional data preparation and data integration including data cleansing, data normalization and standardization, data quality, data enrichment, metadata management and data governance. But that definition of data engineering is insufficient to derive and drive new sources of society, business and operational value. The Field of Data Engineering brings together data management (data cleansing, quality, integration, enrichment, governance) and data science (machine learning, deep learning, data lakes, cloud) functions and includes standards, systems design and architectures.
There are two critical economic-based principles that will underpin the field of Data Engineering:
Principle #1: Curated data never depletes, never wears out and can be used an unlimited number of use cases at a near zero marginal cost.
Principle #2: Data assets appreciate, not depreciate, in value the more that they are used; that is, the more these data assets are used, the more accurate, more reliable, more efficient and safer they become.
There have been significant exponential technology advancements in the past few years ; data engineering is the most topical of them. Burgeoning data velocity , data trajectory , data insertion , data mediation & wrangling , data lakes & cloud security & infrastructure have revolutionized the data engineering stream. Data engineering has reinvented itself from being passive data aggregation tools from BI/DW arena to critical to business function. As unprecedented advancements are slated to occur in the next few years, there is a need for additional focus on data engineering. The foundations of AI acceleration is underpinned by robust data engineering capabilities.
YourStory & AIQRATE curated and unveiled a seminal report on “Data Engineering 4.0: Evolution , Emergence & Possibilities in the next decade.” A first in the area , the report covers a broad spectrum on key drivers of growth for Data Engineering 4.0 and highlights the incremental impact of data engineering in the time to come due to emergence of 5G , Quantum Computing & Cloud Infrastructure. The report also covers a comprehensive section on applications across industry segments of smart cities , autonomous vehicles , smart factories and the ensuing adoption of data engineering capabilities in these segments. Further , it dwells on the significance of incubating data engineering capabilities for deep tech startups for gaining competitive edge and enumerates salient examples of data driven companies in India that are leveraging data engineering prowess . The report also touches upon the data legislation and privacy aspects by proposing certain regulations and suggesting revised ones to ensure end to end protection of individual rights , security & safety of the ecosystem. Data Engineering 4.0 will be an overall trojan horse in the exponential technology landscape and much of the adoption acceleration that AI needs to drive ; will be dependent on the advancements in data engineering area.
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Future of Work 2020: 5 ways AI is disrupting businesses and creating growth opportunities
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No conversation around technology today is complete without a reference to artificial intelligence (AI). While the term AI has been around for decades, in recent times, its application across industries, from mining to healthcare, education and finance, among others, is changing the way we live, both at work and at home.
The increasing ubiquity of AI can be attributed to greater processing power and the declining cost of achieving these tasks at increased speeds. The adoption of AI has been so rapid that technology leaders across industries can no longer ignore it for long-term and sustained financial growth.
At the third edition of YourStory’s Future of Work event in Bengaluru on Saturday, AI was the focus of a panel discussion, which drew attention to ‘How AI is disrupting business models and value chains and unleashing transformative and innovative growth opportunities’.
The session was moderated by Sameer Dhanrajani, CEO and Co-founder, AIQRATE, and the panelists were Rajan Sethuraman, CEO, LatentView Analytics; Soumendra Mohanty, EVP Analytics and COO, Tredence; Prithvijit Roy, CEO and Co-founder, BRIDGEi2i; and Iqbal Kaur, Co-Founder, Zylotech. The discussion yielded many insights on the top trends around the technology.
1. Experiments at scale are the need of the hour
It is clear that we are at a stage where we need to experiment at scale.
He added that companies needed to run a lot of experiments. “From a team perspective, I would say how do you figure out how to run multiple prototypes, channels, and experiments.”
2. Every company today is a technology company
CXOs today are concerned with the outcome that they can deliver. “Today, businesses have realised that they are all into technology, regardless of the vertical they operate in,” Iqbal said.
Prithvijit added, “As consumers, we are primarily operating from our mobile devices and have come to expect the same level of experience, whether it is ordering food, booking a cab, or any other service. So, a CXO has no other option but to rethink the way the business operates if s/he wants to remain in business. That’s where data, automation, and AI will be the game-changers.”
3. Disruption is the new normal
Giving the example of Niramai. Ai, Rajan said the healthtech startup was using thermal sensors instead of X-rays to create images that would then be analysed using AI to make more accurate predictions and diagnoses of breast cancer.
“This allows for faster and more accurate treatment. Disruption is possible in several places, and companies and industries are still understanding use cases where AI can be used.”
4. Understanding the AI ‘playbook’
Companies further along their digital tranformation journey are better poised to leverage AI.
“If a company’s core processes are not digitised, then there is not enough data, and AI is a monster that needs to be fed a lot of data. One of the reasons many of our clients did not do well in their AI journey was that a lot of their processes were not digitised. So, we took a step back in the value chain and created that data,” Iqbal said.
“Secondly, we often treat AI as a toy, an experiment, or an innovation. We forget who the main consumer of whatever we are creating is and whom we are disrupting for. If we keep the consumer in mind and have clarity on the problems we are trying to solve, that’s where the magic happens.”
5. Humans and AI will solve problems together
Prithvijit said we were already on the journey where this collaboration is happening.
When leveraged correctly, AI will bring about positive advances that will disrupt value chains across the economy. However, companies will have to guard against misinformation and manipulated and false data that can corrupt output, and AI developers need to be suitably prepared.
Read more at: https://yourstory.com/2020/03/future-of-work-2020-ai-disrupting-businesses
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YOURSTORY & AIQRATE jointly unveiled a bespoke report on Data Engineering 4.0
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Data Engineering has come out as a prominent area within the AI arena; building robust data pipes has assumed significant importance to fuel machine learning algorithms. At Future of Work 2020 event, YOURSTORY & AIQRATE jointly unveiled a bespoke report on “Data Engineering 4.0: Evolution, Emergence & Possibilities in the Next Decade”.
The report identifies 5G, Data Pipeline+, AI Managed Data Lakes, Edge Cloud and IoT as some of the main drivers for the emergence of Data Engineering 4.0 to realize the much anticipated cross industry collaboration enabled business models involving Smart Cities, Autonomous Vehicles, and Smart Factories.
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Future of Work 2020: Sameer Dhanrajani, Co-founder of AIQRATE, shares his take on the power of AI
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Will artificial intelligence (AI) take over human intelligence? Is AI applicable across every industry? What is the cost of implementing AI, is it expensive? Is AI complex? AI is not for the masses?
There is hardly any industrial domain today which is not harnessing the benefits of artificial intelligence to accomplish efficiency, accuracy, and affordability, while cutting down on the time taken by manual processes. And yet, there are a million myths surrounding this re-merging tech tool that continues to question the utility and implementation of AI in day-to-day activities.
Sameer Dhanrajani, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, AIQRATE Advisory & Consulting, busted some of these myths on Day 1 of Future of Work, India’s largest product-tech-design conference hosted by YourStory.
To explain his point further, he cited the example of Japan’s Makoto Koike. An engineer by education, Makoto went back to his parent’s cucumber farm and began developing a new approach with the help of technology. In the process, Makoto realised there was something in the making – the making of an algorithm, which could give him some understanding about the yield, crop, and the prices. And this is just one area of the application of AI.
According to Sameer, there are at least three strategic imperatives for growth through AI and it involves re-imagining customer experiences, innovating new products and services, and transforming businesses. The AI advisor also touched upon the algorithm economy, explaining how algorithms are impacting modern decision making.
From healthcare to education, sanitation, and marketing practices, artificial intelligence is making its presence felt across sectors today. While AI alone might not be able to address all issues and solve all the problems, Sameer notes that combined with data intelligence and design, it can surely revolutionise the future.
Read more at: https://yourstory.com/2020/02/future-of-work-sameer-dhanrajani-artificial-intelligence
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AIQRATE is the Official Partner for Future of Work 2020
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AIQRATE is the official partner for the India’s largest product-tech-design conference “Future of Work 2020” scheduled on Feb 28 and 29 in Bengaluru.
Some of India’s most successful Founders, CXOs, Data Science and Design Heads, would be present here to discuss their vision for the future of business and what they’re doing with tech, analytics & design to lead the change.
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AI to be $100 billion sector by 2025
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- Agriculture – AI holds the key to unlock massive value from India’s agrarian economy by leveraging data to better predict and improve farm yield, speeding up agricultural finance, crop insurance, Kisan help centres and helping predict demand for agricultural produce. I.e. AI sensors in ponds help farmers to gain maximum value from shrimp farming through predictive maintenance.
- Smart Cities – Al driven interventions can add substantial value in analyzing local intelligence to improve traffic conditions and providing predictive intelligence on infrastructure development. It can be used to decentralised and decongest major cities and play a key role in predictive maintenance activities.
- Skilling – Utilizing AI to predict demand for skills and equip educational institutions with insights to train the future workforce.
- Swachh Bharat – Al and specifically computer vision can help substantially improve the success of Swachh Bharat. Al is already being used in the campaign in a big way. There is a WhatsApp number outside every sanitation facility. The user can send photographs of unhygienic conditions without providing any details. The photo will be processed at a central command centre and a call will be made to the vendor within 45 seconds to fix the facility. This is all being done at a cost of Rs 2 crores a month only.
- Healthcare – India’s high and diverse population makes it fertile ground for population health studies. Al can be employed to provide evidence-based treatment options and analyzing clinical notes to suggest a treatment procedure.
- Governance – AI can power several governance initiatives ranging from security threats, RTI, potential fraud and corruption to improving the legal system, curbing human trafficking and tracking of missing persons.
Qualitas Technologies has been recognized as the Best Start up for Innovative deployment of Industrial AI in large scale corporate environment.
The summit witnessed a live audience poll for the presentation made by the Start-ups and Orbo.ai was recognized has Best Start up (Audience poll category).
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AIQRATE at AI Summit & Expo 2020 Organized by CII
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AIQRATE was at the engaging and engrossing AI Summit & Expo organized by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) on 11-12 February 2020 in Bengaluru. “AI Applications & Digi-Tech” being the main theme transcends wide array of applications and adoptions by multiple industry segments leveraging AI.
Keynote session by Sameer Dhanrajani, CEO at AIQRATE, focused on AI becoming new normal in business transformation and driving strategic imperatives in the enterprises.
Sameer also moderated an interesting panel discussion on “AI in Public Services“. In this discussion, panelists touched upon several applications of AI across public services domains including governance, utilities, education and legal.
In a separate session on “AI in Retail & e-Commerce”, Rohan Nag, Chief Client Officer at AIQRATE, explained multiple disruptive implementations of AI enabled solutions in retail domain.
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AIQRATE at the launch of Wiley Innovation Black Book 2020 in Wiley Innovation Conclave
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A confluence of 24 industry leaders and academic heads converged yesterday at Wiley innovation conclave to launch Wiley innovation Black Book 2020. The book is a marquee compilation of future forward perspectives of top leaders, as they envision how the enterprises of the future will operate the business and customer models, functional value chains as well as various digital assets and enablers. It also dwells on increasing significance of GCCs in the ecosystem. Sameer Dhanrajani, CEO at AIQRATE Advisory & Consulting was the Series Editor of the black book 2020 working along with Vikas Gupta, MD at Wiley India and Debabrati Sengupta, GM at Wiley India.
Click here for Wiley Innovation Black Book 2020 – Enterprise 4.0.

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BML Munjal University and AIQRATE came together to curate a bespoke AI conclave
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Unveiling of special report by Mr. Sunil Kant Munjal, Chancellor, Dr. Manoj K Arora, Vice Chancellor and Mr. Akshay Munjal, President, BML Munjal University.
BML Munjal university and AIQRATE came together on 24 January 2020 to curate a bespoke AI conclave and unveil a special report on “Reimagine the Future of Work with new age opportunities“. The report covers facets on emergence of exponential technologies and role opportunities for the Indian technology workforce.
Read more on this topic at the below given links:
FINANCIAL EXPRESS: https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/indian-tech-industry-facing-biggest-ever-hr-challenge-needs-to-recruit-skill-2-million-professionals-says-report/1833998/
MONEY.BHASKAR.com: https://money.bhaskar.com/news/MON-TECH-indian-tech-industry-facing-biggest-ever-hr-challenge-needs-to-recruit-skill-2-mn-professionals-report-126595685.html
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REPORT: Reimagine The Future of Work with New Age Opportunities
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The management of talent has always been and continues to be a major challenge for most industries. This is particularly true for knowledge based industries like information technology. The dramatically changing dynamics of the Indian Technology industry compound the challenges and opportunities faced by the industry.
Never since the advent of mass production has an industry seen such dramatic volatility in such short period of time. The revolution before primarily added to the productivity of the labor and moved across the globe. The current revolution is not merely transcending national borders – it is redefining jobs, eliminating others and creating new opportunities.
Please fill in the below details to download the complete report.